Carnaroli rice 1 kg vacuum packed (pack of 6)

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31,00 IVA inclusa

Pack of 6.
The Bud is a fundamental part of the rice grain. It represents its vital part and contains vitamins and nutritional elements that are good for human health. GliAironi rice is the only one on the market to keep the Gemma right from its processing stages. This is why it was decided to whiten the grain of rice as little as possible, creating a soft process that leaves the grains coarser and preserves proteins, vitamins, mineral salts and enzymes present in the outer layer of the grain and especially in the Bud. A bud that can be seen, touched, perceived in all its fresh elasticity due to cells ready to generate a new rice plant. And in the kitchen too, the Gemma makes the difference. The cooking resistance of gliAironi rice – essential for a professional kitchen – is due to the presence of the leathery, protein and lipid outer layers of the grain and not to a hardening of the whole kernel, which can be obtained with aging. Safeguarding elasticity, on the contrary, allows for maximum absorption during cooking. This is why our rice is recognized as having personality in the dish, both for texture and taste. If you try the simply boiled GliAironi rice, you will see the Bud swell and you will smell its aromas. If you use it instead for a risotto, you will appreciate the extraordinary absorption capacity, without separating liquids after cooking, without falling apart, even if you need to wait several minutes before serving.

Weight 6,2 kg


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